Lottery in USA TODAY

This morning, I bought my copy of Patricia Woods' LOTTERY and I just read the first page. In a word, it's -- WONDERFUL!
For those of you that don't know -- Pat is a blogging buddy that I encountered for the first time late last year. And she has really made the big time!!!!! Patricia Woods (see earlier post) -- author of LOTTERY -- which was officially released today, made the front page of yesterday's USA Today Life section. She's also been reviewed in Redbook and Good Housekeeping.
Redbook Magazine says LOTTERY "... tickles your funnybone, tugs your heartstrings, and redefines the word 'fortunate' all at once."
Good Housekeeping calls LOTTERY "... irresistible ..."
Next stop? The top of THE LIST!!! Congrats to Patricia Woods! I remember her many posts when she was still in the process of looking for an agent. Pat's success with LOTTERY is well-deserved. The 54-year-old first time novelist is the poster child for the belief that NO DREAM IS TOO BIG -- ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
This is a very inspirational story. I can't wait to read Patricia's book. The USA Today article is wonderful!
Lottery is doing well. Avg. of 5 stars on amazon and it had broke the top 100 bestseller mark on Barnes & during it's first week in stores.
If only I could do that with every book. :-)
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